Wednesday, August 13, 2008

psychedelic dojo show

not really a shack show, but close enough--got out of the city (you don't have to go far to be gone), out to Josh and Jamie and Melissa's place for their first show booked by Darin--a great side note to the evening was I got Maggie and Ethan what the word pschedelic means--how water and fire can put you in a trance--the three of us camped out in my trusty tent--huge bonfire, trails through the woods, spread of food, not to mention fire spinning, hoola hooping, this was a mini festival all in one night--Symbience was our local act, a stripped down version of the band from when I had seen them before, playing a solid bit of groove rock--The Invisible Hand from Virginia, truly kicking psychedelic punk rock--not many punk rockers have songs about waiting for your third eye to open, also amazing punk versions of the Beatles I'm Only Sleeping and Victoria (by I don't know) these guys bravely seek to fill the gap between us aging hipsters and the new sounds of hardcore, really appreciate the work guys--lastly (just 3 bands, keep it simple for the first dojo show) Sonic Astrionics performed their down tempo electronica (instantly putting the kids to sleep, thanks)late into the night, slowly building beats--until finally, the oblgatory late night fire side jam (always a highlight at this sort of thing)--can't wait for my next trip to the dojo

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